Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends and Loved Ones!

Hoping you all had a wonderful, blessed Christmas with family and friends. We had Jonathan with us this year. The other kids were here at Thanksgiving, and for Christmas, they stayed home, and were with their other families. We had a cozy and warm one, with Jonny and Bruce's mom and siblings. We did something Christmas Day we've always wanted, but never have had the opportunity: we helped out at the community homeless outreach. We served meals, ministered to lonely people, cleaned tables and were so blessed! It was a wonderful experience, and I recommend it highly!
I never stop being amazed and reminded, that Jesus gave up so much to come
here as a baby human, to be born into such darkness . This time of year reminds us of all He did for us. Such great love!
As we look at the coming 2010, we look forward to all that God has in store. We are fervently packing away, cleaning, purging the house, and taking care of LOTS of "busy" ness. There's a lot to do to get ready to live in another country!
Praise report! Our son, Nathan, will be taking our dog to live with him. We are so blessed that Ice will be with our family still. Nate will be living off base, so it will work out. Besides, Icy loves Nate a lot, and they will be good buddies!
Please keep in prayer our house renters. We have yet to secure a tenant. I know God has it covered, but He uses prayer to do it!
We're looking forward to being in Germany. Sometimes this whole adventure seems like a dream. Soon enough it will become a reality! Kindof like when we are with the Lord! As we are here, doing our daily routines, our hearts look forward to being with Him. We are getting ready all our days. And then, before we know, it will happen! We'll be seeing Jesus face to face.
Until then..........our hearts are expectant, and our hands are busy!
The Lord richly bless you, and may this next year, 2010, be the best year yet. May you draw neared to God than before, and look up as we await His return!
Bruce and Teresa

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New departure date!

Dear Friends,
Well God works in mysterious ways!
Bruce received a call from David Guzik (head of the bible college) and he really wants and needs us there for the spring semester. After praying about it, we feel that we need to go. So we'll be leaving for Germany in February. We have an overwhelming amount of things to do in 45 days, so we really appreciate your prayers. As for our budget, we will go on faith with what we have. We know that God is calling us to this work, and sometimes we have to step out in faith when He calls us to come out of the boat!
We have our home listed with a property manager, and he will be taking care of all that part. So please pray that God will bring in the right person/family.
Also at this point, it looks like we're taking our dog with us. Germany is a very dog friendly place. No one has felt led to take him, so we feel this is the right thing to do.
We will be very busy for the next few weeks, so our time will be very limited for socializing, etc. We appreciate all of you so much, and your prayers mean the world to us!
Thanks for standing with us!!
Love Bruce and Teresa

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Dear Friends and Loved Ones~

As we approach this wonderful Christmas Season, we again remember the most profound sacrifice in all of history. God Himself, sent His only Son from the glory of heaven, down to this earth to reach the heart of man. Because of His sacrifice toleave it all, become one of us, and give His life on the cross for our redemption,we now gain it all. His life, His resources, andHis hope. Like the scripture says, "He became poor. that we may become rich!" 2 Corinthians 8:9

As we look forward to celebrating with our families and friends, let's not forget to look around us as well, and give something of ourselves to make others "rich." Sharing His love to a needyworld, is our call!

We are looking forward with great expectations to what the Lord has for us this new year in Germany! Although it will be a sacrifice to leave everything and everyone we love here, the joy of being used to give to those there is great!

Some people have been asking us questions concerning the date we're leaving, and how the support works.
We are waiting on the lord to bring in the needed monthly support for our living expenses in Germany. While we wait, we continue to share the vision of the ministry with other churches and individuals, and continue praying for all aspects of the ministry. We hope to get the needed support by mid-spring, but regardless, we must leave by June to get things ready for the fall school year.

Monthly support already coming in is going into an account, held by Saving Grace Missions. It will be kept until we leave, and then be used for start up costs, as well as monthly living expenses in Germany,. They would like us to raise 80% of the budget before we leave, so we can focus on our work there, rather than raising support from abroad. Small amounts from faithful donors will keep the work going.

We thank those of you who have already made a committment to support this ministry. We rejoice that God is in control, and may His will be done, and He be glorified!!!

We pray for you, for a wonderful, Spirit-filled Christmas! May His love continue to live in your hearts, and His light shine through!

Faithfull yours,
Bruce and Teresa

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

San Diego Trip

Hi Everyone!

Bruce and I just got home a little while ago from San Diego. We drove down to attend a mission's fair at  North Coast Calvary Chapel. This is our old home church, where Bruce was the worship pastor for 7 years before we came to Monterey. It's become a huge church now, with lots of people that we don't know! But we saw many of our  friends that were there with us! Several of NCCC's missionaries came from all over the world to attend. Thailand, Cambodia, Egypt, South Africa, Nepal were among them. We were really blessed to be a part of it. Mark Foreman, the pastor, had us all come on stage Sunday night, and the congregation prayed for us. We each had a video made of what everyone was doing, and their vision. We feel privileged to be a part of what God is doing  all over the world. 

So many people we knew had no idea of what we were doing, and committed to praying for us.

Bruce's voice was about an octave lower this morning from all the talking we did last night:)

We stayed with Gayle and Greg Allen, old friends of ours, and enjoyed spending time together, sharing, praying, and just encouraging each other.

On the way back, we stopped to see our son, Jonny, at Azusa Pacific University. We had an enjoyable lunch at Chipotles, were blessed by his progress and good fit there.

So , after an 8 hour drive, we came back to our dog, Ice, and lots of mail!


The women's retreat in WA went very well. Thank you for your prayers. Several women commented on how God had touched and refreshed them, and helped them refocus on God again. It was  a time of being built up, and encouraged in the Lord. His presence was so evident there. I love Mountain top experiences, where the views are so clear. But we have to come down and live in the valley; that's where our true commitment to Him is shown.


Bruce got to network with other missionaries and pastors in Las Vegas, for their missions conference. David Guzik, the overseer of CC Bible College in Siegen, Germany (where we'll be going) was there, and they got to connect with the vision again of the worship school. He's excited about us getting over there. We know it's God's timing, but we're hoping sometime in the spring, we can be on our way.

I'm home now for a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to taking care of things here, and working on the yard, etc. 


God is so good. We're seeing His hand everyday, in showing us He's in control. Our part is to trust Him, and wait upon Him.  This is quite a faith journey, and it's good for us to put our total dependence on Him. Our lives, our family, our possessions, our bodies.... all belong to Him, and are up to His will to use us all as He desires!! And He's so wonderful.

Thanks for keeping up with us, and for your wonderful, coveted prayers!!!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Worship/Mission night

Saturday night, we had a great time at Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay. Bruce and I, plus several other musicians, lead worship. Afterwards, Bruce presented a slide show of the mission God has put on our heart.  He talked about the need in Europe for God. It's such a godless culture. There's a need for worship leaders in the many churches springing up. Also, worship softens the hearts, and opens the door for many to receive Christ. After the slide show, we had a time of questions and answers, and then, wonderful desserts put together by the missions fellowship. What  a great group of people. Gelina Guiles organized it, and she's amazing! We had a good turn out, and people were telling us how blessed they were, and confirming our call to do this work.
Our son, Nathan, is finally off to Afghanistan. He'll be there for at least 6 months. Our hearts and prayers are with him. We know that God is his protection. Thank you for all your prayers.

I'll be leaving for WA in a week to minister at a women's retreat for Calvary Chapel Vancouver.
I"ll also be staying with our eldest son, Simeon, and his wife, Alli. It will be a great time.
Bruce will be going to Las Vegas for the missions conference there, while I'm gone.

We continue to pray for the mission, that God would stir those whose hearts are tugged by Him to support the vision, and be a part of the School of Worship.
God is faithful, and we put our trust in Him!!! We thank God for your part in our journey!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Update Sept 29th 2009 :)

We met at Chris and Mary Currier's home tonight for our monthly care team meeting. We discussed all the different things that support teams do for their missionaries. Jerry and Gelina Guiles spoke to us, and encouraged us in ways to send us out. Then we prayed for all the needs. I love our care team . They are so supportive and encouraging. We couldn't do all this without a family of support behind us. The cool thing is how we all get the same portion of fruit; the senders and the sent. We all need one another, and we ALL are the body of Christ together.

I just got back from WI where I shared music at a couple churches. The first one was CC Appleton, where I did special music for their annual prophecy conference. It was wonderful. I had the opportunity to share about our Worship school adventure as well. CC Manitowoc asked me to share for their midweek service. After a few frustrating moments trying to get the keyboard to sound, everything went well. People were very interested in the worship school.

After being home two days, I did a women's retreat in the Santa Cruz mts. Now I'm home for a little while, taking a breath of fresh sea air, and catching up with everything I didn't do!!!
Update on the mission: We have 4 churches that have taken us on as their missionaries, praise God!!! Several people have commited monthly support. We have about 1/4 of our 80% (needed before we can leave). Everything being donated goes into a fund held by Saving Grace Missions.
When 80% of it comes in, then we go to Germany, and they release the funds. So people can start donating now, and it will acrue towards the goal.
Our son Nathan, is deploying to Afghanistan very soon. He's with the air force, and going to a very dangerous place. I'd love your prayers for his safety and good health. I'm so proud of his self sacrifice for our nation.
Our other son, Simeon and his wife Alli, are expecting their first child in May. We're very excited for them, and us!!! We're keeping her pregnancy in prayer.
This coming Saturday night, we'll be doing a worship concert and slide presentation on our worship school at Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay @ 6:30. It's being put on by the misson fellowship in the church. We're looking forward to sharing our vision with the community.
In a few weeks, Bruce and I will be going to So. Cal. to speak and play at several churches. We're excited about the open doors that God is orchestrating. He's so faithful to meet all our needs.
We're doing well, and keeping the faith . Every day gets sooner to His return, and there's such a needy world out there. Every moment counts!
So glad you're in our lives. We appreciate you more than you know!!
In Jesus,
Bruce and Teresa

Monday, September 7, 2009

S. Cal. ministry trip

Bruce and I just got back from S. Calif, where we dropped Jonathan off at Azusa Pacific University. He's very excited about going there. Afterwards, we went to San Diego to minister
at a few different churches. Two of those churches have expressed a desire to help support us, and take us on as their missionaries. We're very excited about what God is doing.
While we were there, we also had the opportunity to lead worship for a beach outreach in Oceanside.
There was a BBQ, worship, and a converted Samoan gang member, (now preacher) sharing the message. Many people came by and listened. It was a sweet time of ministry.
October 3rd, we're having an evening of worship and school of worship presentation at Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay. It starts at 6:30. Come by if you live in the area, and join in the fellowship and food!!
Thursday, I'm leaving for Appleton , WI, for the prophesy conference. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm going to do special music, as well as share about the S.O.W.
I'm praying for some other avenues to minister in music and share, while I'm out there.
thanks for keeping us in your prayers. More people are sharing our vision, and getting on board to support the work. We're so grateful for the provision God is bringing. We are so grateful for you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Somehow, our last blog got erased, deleted, or someway has disappeared!!!  It's good to know that information is floating around in cyberspace, and can dissolve in the abyss of networking!
So as not to overstate what we previously stated, for those who read the "lost post"',I'll make it short.
Our son Nate, is deploying to Afghanistan sometime in the next couple weeks. We just came back from visiting him. Our other son, Jonny, is headed down to L.A. to attend Azusa Pacific University. That makes us official "empty nesters.!" So now, we get to stare at each other all day long, and have no one to blame for the mess!!!
Things are moving towards getting our cards, flyers, etc printed. Bruce has been working on his computer, designing graphics, and having a good time at it! He's also looking for work, as we still need provision this side of missionary work. 
I'll be doing some upcoming  conferences; in WI, N. Cal, and WA. God is good to continue to use us in ministry here while we wait.
With all  the political turmoil going on, it's good to know that our lives are in the complete control of God's capable hands. We can rest in His presence, knowing that He is always near us.
I am forever thankful for His promises in our lives.
Our Aug 22nd info night has been postponed for a later date. We'll update you on that one!!
Keep on pressing in to the One who loves you most!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Care Team

This is the first post to this wonderful technology!!! We decided to start blogging our missionary
transition. What a wonderful adventure!
Tonight we had our first care team meeting. Thanks to those wonderful supporters who offered to stand with us in prayer and many other ways to lift our hands!
God is blessing us with friends who are so encouraging. So many words of affirmation and comfort seem to follow us. It's wonderful that God brings our fragile hearts into His care.

We're now a part of Saving Grace World Missions. They will be our logistics support team.
On their web site ( you can click on missionaries, and find us there. They've developed a web site where you can see our testimony, photos, and get updates, donate, and check out what's happening around the world.

I wanted to announce that on Aug 22nd, at 7 pm, we'll be having an evening of worship, dessert, and sharing with power pt presentation, what we'll be doing, pics of siegen, and the bible college where we'll be, etc.  A hearty invite to everyone to come out, fellowship, ask questions, worship, and of course, chow down the goodies.
It will be at Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay, fireside room. 

On a different note, I want to say how wonderful it is to find ways to thank God during the day. It's like a scavenger hunt, looking for ways to see His hand throughout the day. Ways of protections, provision, little blessings that He loves to give us~ Rather than complaining and being down about how awful life seems, it's great to look at all the ways He's doing wonderful things.  And to experience His presence in the NOW. Not tomorrow, or later, but right this moment. As we call out to Him, He is there, or should I say He is here!!!

 I thank God for all you friends and loved ones. You are special to our hearts and lives. You are valuable and needed.  We wouldn't be doing anything without you.