Sunday, April 25, 2010

Outreach Week~

What a different week we had! At the college, there is an outreach week every semester. Each team, composed of students and team leaders, goes on a mission. Some go to different countries; some stay in Germany. The goal is to get experience in helping churches, evangelizing , and learning to be a group, working together. Bruce and I went with a team to Austria, to help at the CC Castle in Millstatt. The Castle is used for conferences, refreshment, and is a hub for Europeans. They only have a small staff of 6, and needed much help cleaning, repairing, and ministering to several guests currently there. Most of the week, we were there, coming alongside of them in any way we could. Also, in a nearby town, Spittal, we helped the church with their services, as well as cleaning, etc. It was a full week. We left the Bible College last Saturday, and headed for the Castle. It's in the Alps, and is overlooking a gorgeous lake. While we were cleaning windows, we'd often pinch ourselves, as we couldn't believe the views we were seeing. Just like the "Sound of Music." On Sunday, Bruce taught the church service in Spittal, and I led worship with some of the team. It was great singing some German songs. Good experience learning a new culture! Sunday evening, we led a worship night at the Castle for the staff, guests, and our team as well. They were so hungry for having worship in their language. There were missionaries there from Russia who miss English worship.
Then on Monday, we all went to work. I haven't worked that hard in manual labor for years!!! Running up and down several flights of stairs in the Castle, cleaning bathrooms, doing yard work, etc etc... We were tired Monday night!!
Tuesday, we went back to work at the Castle again. Then on Tuesday evening, we took a 45 minute drive down to a border town in Italy to eat pizza. You know how Americans yearn to taste of Italy!!! We walked around a bit, and then came back.
Wednesday, we worked again at the Castle, then went street witnessing in Spittal. We passed out tracts, and got to speak with different people. My German is "nicht" (not!) so I didn't talk much. We met some girls from Hungary, and they didn't speak German or English! As we were leaving town, a man riding a bicycle, was checking out the girls in our van. They smiled at him,then held up a sign that read Jesus loves you, in German. He smiled,then the girls handed him a tract out the window. He took the tract and rode off. Talk about being instant in season!!!We laughed at God's unique creative ways!

Wed night, Bruce gave the study at Church. He shared a beautiful song he wrote about Millstatt, and the people. He has such a gift for story songs!
Thursday, we went to the church to help out there. We were served an authentic Austrian lunch. These amazing dumplings filled with different ingredients. Thursday night, we did another Worship Night for the Castle. It was really good! God touched our hearts with His presence, and it was a great time of fellowship afterwards.
Friday, we packed up and left for Innsbruck. One of our team members, a couple, is praying about starting a Calvary in Innsbruch. We prayed for the city, and stayed in a hostel. It is a beautiful city, but very dark, and you can see it in people's faces. We'll continue to pray for God's will in that city.
The next morning, I woke up to a birthday surprise. I turned 60 on this special day, and I had already decided I wouldn't get sad that I'd be riding in a car all day back to Germany, with a non-eventful ride. But God had put it on Katha's heart(our team leader) to bring us to Schloss Newschwanstein. Thee fairy tale Castle of all times!!!
I so enjoyed this special day, in such a special place. Bruce brought me up to the castle in a horse drawn carriage. How special was that?! I felt like a princess~
We all needed this break, as we had worked so hard all week and were in need of some down time. God blessed our week with good weather, good health, good relationships, and good fruit. He is such an awesome God.
There are only 2 more weeks til the semester ends. Lots of things to do before school ends. Bruce and I will be serving at the Pastor/Leadership conference here after school lets out. This is the main conference in Europe for leaders. Please keep it in prayer.
We continue to be so grateful to you for all your prayers, and support.
May God keep pouring out His blessings and His spirit upon you!
Love in Him, Bruce and Teresa

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter in Prague

Happy belated Easter to everyone!!

We got back from Prague safely. What a time we had there. We went their to both get away together alone for a few days, and also to minister at the CC there for their Sunday service. We led the worship, and afterwards got to minister to the budding musicians there. Bruce took lots of pictures of the beautiful architecture there. Amazing details in their buildings. He posted them on facebook for those who want to see them. We passed out some tracts, drank some CZECK coffee, and walked along the river.
Then in the midst of it all, our car light went on for engine malfunction. The manual said not to drive on it. So fortunately (hmm) we just "happened " to be right near a Volkswagon dealership/service center, and we took it in. They did a whole workup on it. Boy were we praying. We had thoughts going thru our heads of engine breakdown, etc, and how we'd deal with it. All this to find out that the gas cap wasn't closed properly. When we first arrived in Czech republic, the gas station had an attendant there pumping all the gas. So he put the cap back on wrong. But hey, $75 to find that out was a relief after thinking about what it could've been. I guess perspective plays a huge part in how we look at life. And we were very thankful to have a normal car back!
Bruce and I are the cooks this weekend for the college. Every staff member takes a weekend, to give the regulars a break. We're going to make Fajitas, spaghetti, chicken soup, and cinnamon rolls. Not all in one meal of course!! We have 2 students to help us. We cook for around 50. Will be an adventure!
The afterglow this morning went well. We learned about the gift of prophecy, and then we all got to wait on the Lord, pray, etc.
It was a good meeting. We only have four more weeks of school. It's going so fast. Our outreach week is coming up on April 17th.
All the students go on teams to different places to do ministry. We'll be going with 13 to Austria to help a church in Millstatt. We'll
be staying at the CC castle. It's near the church there. Bruce will be teaching, I'll be leading worship, and our other members will help with sunday school, etc... If you think of it, keep us in prayer for good weather, safety, the car (!) and ministry opportunity!
Thank you for all the prayers! God is so faithful. We are confident of His purposes being fulfilled here, and realize that there's so much opportunity to spread the good news of His life, and hope here in this dark world.
Truely, the time is short. Our lives here are just for a moment before we are gone. Like King David said in the Psalms, "make me to know the measure of my days, O Lord."
For HIs glory,