January 2011
Another year has passed before our eyes. God has been faithful again to bring us through.
We pray your Christmas time and New Year’s were filled with the love of family, friends, and most importantly, our Lord and Savior, Jesus! Our two sons, Nathan and Jonathan, were able to join us during the holidays. It was such an answered prayer to have them with us. It would have been a very lonely time without them, as everyone here at the bible college was gone! This has been a needed down time from all the busyness of last semester. We have also been studying during this time for our German driver’s license. Our CA license is no longer viable here. We take the test on Monday the 17th (Bruce) and Monday the 31st (Teresa).
As we reflect upon this last year, we can surely see God’s hand in a marvelous way. It’s hard to believe that just last January, we were packing up our home in Seaside, putting everything in boxes and storage, sending our dog to live with our son, Nathan, saying our goodbyes, and preparing to step out into one of the most unknown adventures yet!
These are some of the highlights of this last year. We witnessed two graduating classes, students built up in their faith, and equipped for ministry; we watched them grow into servant/leaders. Some were sent out to other churches to minister. We came alongside the new church plant in Luxembourg, in evangelism and in leading worship. We preached the gospel on the streets of Prague, Spittal, Luxembourg, Lippstadt, and Dusseldorf, ; we led worship/taught at several churches across the EU, as well as Teresa ministering at the Women’s conference in the UK and the Missions conference in Austria.
In the bible college, we have been seeing great fruit with the students in worship.
Good songs were birthed in the Songwriting Classes. We offered classes in Worship Leading, Worship in the Psalms, Church History, Apologetics (reasons for our faith), piano, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Young worship leaders were mentored and given opportunity to lead worship for school devotions, as well as in church services in Siegen and other places. God blessed this last year greatly!
This next semester, Teresa will be teaching a class in Music Theory; Bruce will be teaching Guitar Theory and Worship, and the book of Ephesians. We have several new students this semester, as well as almost all of the previous students returning. We look forward to a new semester of growth in the students as well as ourselves.
We saw so many prayers being answered last year; too numerable to count. Among them, God brought our beloved dog Ice, over to be with us, safe and sound! God continued to provide all our needs, kept us healthy, got us through hard times of warfare and difficulty, sand resolved crises. Yes, this has been a year where God has truly been glorified!
Once again, our hearts turn towards you, our faithful family, friends, and supporters. We know that the work of the ministry here could not go on without your involvement. It was your prayers that got us through last year. It was your support that provided our needs, and your love that was there to remind us of why we are here. We are and continue to be so grateful for you. Our prayers are continually lifted up on your behalf.
May this 2011 be a new year for God to be glorified, here in the EU, America, and the rest of the world. May He continue to use ordinary people like all of us, to do His work.
You are a great blessing to us, and we pray for a prosperous New Year in every way!
Bruce and Teresa