Hi Everyone~
This October was a month filled with some new adventures. We started out the month doing "weekend team." That means we cook for the school for the weekend. We had Mallory, a bible student, helping us. It's always such a treat to think of things to make that the kids like: for instance, Cinnamon rolls!!! We are establishing a tradition here. We also made lasagna, oven baked chicken, and salads,etc. Was a good weekend.
We travelled 3 hrs south to Kaiserslautern, also known as KTown, to help with a marriage conference. KTown has the largest American military presence in all of Europe. There are over 50,000 Americans in the community, and several military bases. The Calvary Chapel there mainly serves these military families and personnel. We really enjoyed leading worship, as well as leading discussion groups with them. So many are hurting with their marriages.. Life is very stressful for them, as they are away from home, isolated in a strange culture. Many husbands are gone on deployment for months. We came alongside of them and ministered the love, grace and hope of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Last weekend, we went up to Lippstadt, 1 1/2 hrs north of Siegen to put on a worship concert Friday night. We took Danny, a bible college student, with us to play bass. It was a good night. We stayed at pastor Rolf's home, and led worship Sunday morning as well. This precious church has to use CD's for worship, as they have no worship leader yet. There are many churches in Europe, just like this one, with no worship leaders. That is a big burden on our hearts, to come alongside of them and help in any way we can, raising up new worship leaders, and sometimes doing it ourselves.

God is doing a good work here at the school. The students are growing in their walks with Christ, and their service to others. It's so encouraging to see the changes taking place during the semester. They come in, not sure what's going to happen; some not really sure why they are here. And then, God goes to work in their hearts. They get a vision for serving Christ, studying His Word, and learning to trust God for their future. Some even end up finding their future spouse. (It's bound to happen, right?)
We have beautiful fall weather right now. It's not too cold yet, and the colors are at their peak. Days like this remind me of the glory of the Lord, in all His beauty and brilliance. Fall also reminds me of the last days of our lives, before the death of winter.
I want to be like these brilliant trees, going out in the full glory and beauty of the Lord. Burning brightly for Jesus right til the end!
All around us is darkness; people are looking for hope in a seemingly hopeless world. But like these multi-colored trees against the dark clouds, we shine and stand out when we reveal Christ to them. He is our hope, our rest, and our peace in turbulent times. May we all go out in the glory of the Lord!

"And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. "2 Pet. 1:19
Thank you for standing with us; blessing us with prayer, support, and encouragement. You are dear to our hearts.