May 1st
“For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”Phil 2:13
Dear Ones,
We surely have seen God’s hand at work this semester, doing His good work in the students, the staff, the many churches, and in us.
It is for His good pleasure, which also gives us great pleasure to be able to partake. Here’s a brief review of what’s been taking place since our last newsletter.
In March, Bruce was involved with a worship conference in Budapest; He was on a panel for different questions, and enjoyed seeing many old friends involved in worship ministry. Afterwards, he went to CCBC in Vjata, Hungary. He was working with some of the team there, and was able to share his vision of outreach to the leadership there.
The following week, we took a team of students to Hannover to do a worship weekend seminar. At these seminars, we teach classes, as well as lead worship..then we evaluate their teams, and give them needed feedback for improving. On Easter Sunday, our entire team led worship. It was a glorious time of blessing!!

The next week, Bruce traveled down to Rome to give a worship seminar there. He also ended up preaching in three churches on Sunday! It was a very fruitful time, working with the teams there, and coming alongside the churches.
Afterwards, he headed up to CCBC Montaballuna to share his vision of outreach with the school. He wants them to be able to do what we do here; train, then take several worship teams out to churches in need. While there, he played guitar on a CD project, as well as connected with several worship leaders. The hunger for teaching, training, and discipling in Italy was great.

This last weekend, we took a team of students to Sinsheim to do another worship weekend seminar. The church was so great and open to anything we had to offer. We all led the worship on Sunday, and Bruce gave the sermon. They were asking if we could come back soon. In fact, everywhere we have given these seminars, they ask for more. They can’t seem to get enough, for the workers are few, and the churches need lots of help.

We have witnessed the growth of the students here. Their love and passion for Christ has increased, their skill in worship has improved greatly, their knowledge of God and His Word has been stirred in their hearts. Through teaching, mentoring, and discipleship, lives are changed and hearts are transformed. We are so blessed to be able to be a part of the work God is doing.

On another note, many of you have heard that the bible college here is closing. The church is in the middle of a transition, from the change in pastorate of Nick Long to Alex Kruse. This has been going on for a while, but the church needs to be the main focus right now. Things have to get healthy and redirected in many ways. Although the bible college has been a fruitful work for the last 10 years, the church doesn’t have the extra resources (in every way) to be supporting the bible college at this time. This is the last semester.
Many want to know how this will affect us. We have been asked to stay and work out of the church here as our base. We are considering that option. We also are praying about other options, as our main desire is to work with the youth. They are the future of the church. You can please pray with us for God’s leading. The need here is great. We will have to move out of our present apartment by the end of August. Our dog, Ice, is also a factor, so please keep that in prayer as well. We are doing well, not anxious, for we know God has a plan. Like the children of Israel in the desert, He will lead and guide us where we should be. We are already receiving invitations from throughout Europe to go and lead Weekend Worship Workshops. We are still very excited about what God is about to do in the midst of this transition.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support. You have made it possible for us to be here, doing the work.
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” 2 Cor. 9:8
This is the statement the bible college has posted on its website;
Dear Students, Friends and Supporters of CCBC Siegen,
We at CCBC Siegen, are filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for the last ten years of fruitfulness that God has poured out upon us. It has been with great joy to have served the many students, interns and staff that have passed through these doors.
However, after much prayer, discussion, and wise, spirit-led counsel, both from Siegen and elsewhere, we have felt the Lord is leading us to close the Bible College. Our church here in Siegen, is in a process of restructuring and rebuilding. We have come to the conclusion that the Lord wants to redirect our focus and our resources.
It is on our hearts to minister to the church here, discipling the saints within the body and equipping future leaders and church planters. Our vision is to strengthen what is weak so that we would be healthy on the inside and powerfully reach out to those on the outside.
It is with both sadness and yet expectation, that we have made this decision. CCBC has served God's purposes and been used by God in many fruitful ways. We now look ahead to what the Lord will do in this new upcoming season.
Thank you for being part of our journey, and for coming alongside of us in so many different and precious ways! Please keep us and the church of CC Siegen in your hearts and pray that the Lord would help us in this difficult transition process and guide us as we experience new challenges and blessings.