It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High. It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening. Ps. 92:2-3
We’re writing this from the other side of the big pond~ We flew into the States last week, arriving on Oct. 22nd. God really blessed our trip, and answered many prayers. Everyone said we’d never make our connection in NY. We had little time to get from one airport to another, yet God breezed us through customs and baggage claim in 35minutes…unbelievable! We made all our flights, were healthy, and our baggage arrived safe and sound. Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, we spoke at CCAppleton, shared our vision, showed a video compilation of the last few years in Europe, and led the congregation in worship. The pastor, Dwight Douville, asked us to also share out testimony about how we ended up where we are today. The response of the congregation was such a blessing. People said they were really touched. One lady said her husband didn’t want to leave , and could’ve stayed there for hours in worship. Someday when we’re before God’s throne, that’s exactly what we’ll do!

Before we left for the States, we were very busy.Bruce held a worship seminar in Munster, DE and led worship at CCKaiserslautern; we led an afterglow at CCSiegen, as well as assisting their worship team during their services.

One of our former worship students, is now a worship leader in Herborrn, DE. She invited us to come and play with her. It was such a joy to back up the girl that we have been mentoring. She did a great job, and we were like proud parents! This is exactly what we have been desiring…this is the fruit.
We had to pack up our apartment and move by the 18th of October.The landlord wanted to lease our apartment to a business wanting to expand. Even though we are missionaries, we seem to have accumulated ‘stuff’ over the last 4 years. We had to get rid of some things, and pack the rest. We had prayed for a place to store everything while we were in the States; God opened the door , as many people offered to store our stuff. We can honestly say that our things are ‘everywhere.’!
We also had to put to sleep our beloved dog, Ice. We were so dreading this day. He was 15 years, and in pain from arthritis and hip dysplacia. Still, we didn’t want to say goodbye. He has been such a good friend over the years. Two days before we left our apartment, we had to carry out this sad procedure. We cried, and thanked God for the many years together. It’s always hard to lose our pets. But who knows... Maybe we will have pets in heaven?
It becomes more and more obvious that we can hold on to nothing in this world. Like the old adage says, “Only one life, will soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last.” How true these words are. As we get nearer and nearer to our real home, we keep in mind the joys of eternity, where there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more sickness, loss, death or evil. Our hearts long for that day. Meanwhile, we stay in the present, in His presence, drawing near to Him, and doing His will. He is our satisfaction and our joy.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and support. As the days grow darker, let us shine our lights brighter and brighter, as we await our soon coming King! Come Lord Jesus, Come!
“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives…And may the Lord our God show us his approval
and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!” Ps.90:14,17