“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14
We have been enjoying our time in the States with our family and friends. It’s even sweeter to be with everyone after being absent for so long. The entire time we’ve been here, we have experienced the favor and blessing of God. All the prayers that have been going up on our behalf have definitely been answered! Where do we begin?
In our previous blog, we shared the amazing way God blessed our connecting flights in NYC. Not only did we make it, we were early! Our time in Appleton, WI, was spent visiting our friend, Ruth Christian. We led worship and shared for the entire service in her church Calvary Chapel. Also,Teresa led worship and taught at their women’s luncheon. It was a great time of feasting in God’s word, His presence, and the wonderful buffet the ladies made!

Then we went to San Francisco to visit our son David and his family. They have a small house, and though we were content to stay in their living room, God opened a great place for us to stay! Their neighbor right next door,was going away for a week, and asked if we’d like to stay there. So we had our own hotel suite right next door to our family! The weather was great, and we were refreshed being in this beautiful place, hiking around the hills, and visiting the sites.

Our son, Jonny, drove down from Northern California, and we all went to Monterey to have Thanksgiving with friends.We enjoyed a marvelous feast, and were so thankful for our friends and family.
In Monterey, we shared at Calvary Monterey, all that God is doing in the EU. We showed our video, and spoke to the congregation about our work and ministry. We made many good connections with those that are interested in our ministry. It was so good seeing old friends again, and sharing all that God has done this past year!

We had a gathering one night with friends and supporters; we shared with them the wonderful things going on, and we prayed, sang songs, and of course, ate food!We were very encouraged by the love and openness towards all that we are doing.
While in Monterey, God answered a big prayer and provided a car for us to use. And not just an ordinary car, but a beautiful new sports car. God put it on the heart of a good friend, and his sacrifice was so touching. It’s just like God to do more than we could ever expect. He loves to pour out His goodness on His children, and show His lovingkindness.
In Monterey, we stayed with our friends, the Underwoods. They have a beautiful home, and we stayed for a long time; their hospitality was over and above! We were treated so generously! We enjoyed being there with them, and felt right at home.
At Mayflower Presbyterian, in Pacific Grove, we gave a worship concert on Sunday night, the 15th. Many gathered, hungry for the Presence of God…and God poured out His Spirit that night, filling us all with His joy! What a wonderful way to bring on the Christmas season. Many had shared how much God had touched their hearts, filling them with His spirit anew, and drawing their hearts close to Him.
This year, God worked it out for us to have our first family reunion. Our sons are scattered all over the country, and it’s so rare to be able to get together all at once. We can’t even remember the last time we were together for Christmas.Three of our sons are now married, and they have children. All thirteen of us gathered in a cabin in the mountains outside Sacramento; Four sons, three daughters-in-love, and four grandchildren! What joy!
We will be going down to Murrieta to the Calvary Missions Conference, and then we’ll be off to Siegen, Germany again. We leave January 15th. We look forward to all that God has before us, and to run this race faithfully.
We’ve been so blessed and moved by the love of our friends, supporters and family. God has been so gracious, and we are very thankful.
During this Christmas season, our hearts of full of gratitude for the ultimate gift of Jesus. Because He was willing to give everything up so we could gain it all is overwhelming. We remember His birth, but also His resurrection. The light of the world has come, to bring hope to our darkened hearts; hope of a forever joy with Him, away from all the temporal things that can weigh our spirits down. What great joy we can have this season, regardless of every circumstance.
May this season remind you of the wonderful treasures awaiting you, not only in this life, but in the future as well; all because of Immanuel…God with us!
Merry Christmas for our hearts to yours!