Dear Ones,
God is good and His ways are good. Because we know just how good He is, we can trust Him with all that’s ahead of us! I’ll backtrack a month to catch up on everything!

At CC Siegen, we led a worship night for the young adult group. A good-sized crowd came out and God really blessed it! People were saying they hadn’t experienced God’s presence like that in a long time. We are so excited to see what God is doing with the young people in this church. We also have been working with their youth group ( Teens) and showing them various things about worship. They are hungry to learn and worship God with all their hearts.

In October, Bruce went to Amman, Jordan to lead worship for the Middle East Pastor’s Conference. There were people there from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Turkey and Jordan. In spite of the fear tactics and horrendous assaults from ISIS, God’s people are coming together in prayer, crossing denominational lines, and standing for Christ. Many Muslims are now open to the gospel because of what is going on. Bruce also went to a Syrian/Iraqi refugee camp. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are flooding Jordan’s borders and it is the body of Christ on earh, the churc
h, that is taking care of them, and sharing the love of Jesus. Bruce was really touched by the many stories he heard, especially from Iraqi Christians. Our hearts are full of compassion for what they are experiencing. We were glad he made it back safe and sound!
h, that is taking care of them, and sharing the love of Jesus. Bruce was really touched by the many stories he heard, especially from Iraqi Christians. Our hearts are full of compassion for what they are experiencing. We were glad he made it back safe and sound!

While Bruce was gone, Teresa led worship at CC Lippstadt, 2 hrs north of Siegen. The church there was very grateful, as they don’t have a regular worship leader. She was up there attending a pre-wedding celebration for a bible college couple that received pre-marital counselling from us. She’s German and he’s American!!
In mid October, Teresa led worship for the Pastor’s wife’s retreat in Herborn, Germany. The night before the retreat, she injured her foot and couldn’t walk. But God did a wonderful work, and the next morning it was much better. She pressed through and did the retreat. It was such a refreshing time for the ladies as they gathered!

Our son David and his wife Lana also bore our latest grandson “Aman” earlier this year We are so thankful for these three new grandchildren and very excited to meet them for the first time!!
We are getting ready to move our things back to the States. So much has to be done, as we are shipping our car, fully loaded with musical instruments, etc, as well as two pallets of things we brought here and are bringing back. When we arrive, we’ll be visiting with our kids and see our new grandchildren before we come back to Monterey. We leave November 3rd. Please keep our flight in your prayers.
Many churches have already contacted us about doing worship seminars. We are excited to see God’s hand already preparing the way before us, to be able to continue in this ministry. He is SO FAITHUL!
Please keep us in your prayers as we transition back to the States. There will be many new things to face, but we know that we have such a wonderful, good and faithful God!
We are so grateful to all of you who have stood with us in prayer and support. Our time here has been an incredible season of fruitfulness, laboring in the harvest and building up the saints. We are expectant that it will continue, as we move from “glory to glory” until the “new day dawns.”
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, since you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:58
Serving Christ with you,
Bruce and Teresa