Here we are, starting out the fall semester. Summer has whizzed by, and even the weather has been showing signs of change.
The mornings are in the low 40s (F), and Thursday has forecast 37 for a low. We are all getting busy, attending to things that need to be done. The students will begin arriving on Wednesday, the 1st. We'll be doing airport "runs" to Frankfurt to pick them up. We've been meeting with the staff, praying, and discussing this next year. We now have 25 students, many of which are Germans.
Saturday is our orientation. We will all share with the students about our classes, registration, etc. Yesterday, at CCSiegen, we participated in missions' day. Our booth was well attended. Many are interested in the college. We also will be offering weekend workshops this semester. That way, people from churches can also attend. Classes start next week, the 6th.
Yesterday, Sunday, we went with a team to Weisbaden, a beautiful city 2 hrs. south of here. We joined CCWeisbaden and some other churches in the area and played music and sang for their monthly outreach. It's on a busy section of the shopping mall.
We passed out tracts, spoke with lots of people, and one man, from Pakistan, received Christ. He had just lost 20 people in his family due to the massive flooding there. God had softened his heart, and he stayed all day, listening to us.
Much of August was spent moving from our old apartment to a new one. The bible college rents an apt building to their staff. We moved here to accommodate our dog when he comes. (should be mid Sept.) It is on the bottom floor and has a small yard. We patched, painted, and landscaped the place. The church has a huge second hand store here, so it's great when you have to get things. (like rugs, lamps,etc). It is about a mile from the college dorms. Our old apartment will be rented by a couple who are going to cook dinners for the school. It's very convenient, as it's right above the cafeteria.
We all pitched in , and painted the villa (dorms) and cleaned up everything. It's nice and ready to go for everyone.
In mid-August,Bruce and I attended the EURO missions conference at the CCcastle in Austria. Missionaries from all over Europe and beyond, with their families were there. It was a wonderful blessing meeting with all these dedicated servants, many who have been on the field for years! I taught a women's session on the last day, and led worship afterwards. We had a sweet time in the Spirit, with many tears, prayers, and lifted hands. God touched our hearts is such a sweet way. Bruce and I also lead worship for an evening session; It was all a wonderful blessing being in such a gorgeous place. The mountains, lake, trees, and sky were like watching a postcard. God's handiwork is truly magnificent!
There is so much opportunity to minister here. We've had many invitations to come to churches and speak, lead worship, and evangelize. Hopefully (it's our desire) to get time to do that. Once the semester starts, we know it will be BUSY!!!
Many are interested in the worship school. We'll be offering 3 classes that will fulfill the requirements, plus several workshops.
God is good, and is being very faithful to us .. We think of you often, miss you and pray for you .. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. At times, the warfare is intense and very active! We are in a battle for souls and this next generation in particular.
Thanks for standing with us, and holding us up!!! May His name be glorified!!
Bless you all. I pray for you all and know God is getting to use you in the most profound way using all your many gifts and talents. Yay God!
ReplyDeleteWhen we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God's Spirit becomes one with us and makes His home in us. Because He actually dwells in us, His thoughts and His power dwell in us. One of the ways God empowers us is through our thinking, our imagination. He wants to empower our minds because our thoughts set the direction for our lives. If we think God's thoughts, we will get God's results in our lives.