Here we are, past the second week of school already. Time has passed quickly! There is always so much going on, and so much to do. The work of the ministry is full of opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.
Change is occurring all over the world. We see the signs of troubled times ahead. Many of the Muslim/Arab nations are starting to revolt against their governments; economies are failing; people are wondering what the future holds. But we know that the bible speaks about such things, and it is no surprise to us who are believers in Jesus Christ. We know that our window of time is short here. And it's so important to use our time wisely; "Redeem the time", as the bible says," for the days are evil." Eph. 5:16. We are grateful to be over here in the EU, helping to spread the gospel of hope to a needy world.
The students are starting to go out on Wednesday evenings to share the gospel in Siegen through worship and conversing. They are bringing the youth group from church here with as well. It has had a good impact on them, as they get to partner with the Lord in His work. They have been able to find people whose hearts are really open. Two girls shared with a man from Saudi Arabia who just happened to be visiting for 2 days. He is from a Muslim background and was so interested to hear about Jesus. (And he only spoke English, which was a perfect "coincidence!")
We have several very talented musicians this semester. They are doing a great job leading worship for devotions and bible studies. Our classes are going well. Bruce's guitar instruction/theory class is challenging, but equipping students to play the guitar beyond just a few chords. They are learning about guitar theory as well. Teresa's music theory class is dovetailing with Bruce's. Some students are taking both classes, and it helps to reinforce their ability to learn. Teresa is also teaching piano to many students. One student has been playing for 6 years, and is a good pianist. However, she never learned how to play chords,to understand basic chord theory, or be able to play with a worship team. She is very excited about learning all this "new " stuff! Bruce's Ephesians class is an adventure in history as well as theology. He presented an in depth slide show for the first class, showing the history and geography of Ephesus. This helped to bring a visual sense to the students to help them understand the background of the Ephesian church.
Teresa has also been involved in mentoring the girls. There is a women's discipleship class she is involved with, as well as opportunity to meet one on one in a more casual setting over coffee. It has been a joy for her to be able to walk with these girls through their struggles and successes. A few of the girls have just recently given their lives to Christ. They are so filled with excitement about their new life and relationship with God, and the wonder of being able to understand the bible and apply it to their lives.
We are doing well here. Ice ,our dog, looks forward to his walks in the cold air, in the woods ,the meadows, or by the river. Bruce finally passed all his tests, and now has a German driver's license!!! God did a wonderful thing,and answered a specific prayer. In the daily prayer meeting, someone prayed that he would get an English speaking instructor. That is so rare. Well, the day he was tested, the instructor came out and spoke English! It was the end of a busy Friday, and he was glad to be done. Bruce passed and didn't even know it! We are so grateful that he now has his license.
Teresa will get her test date soon . She has been taking the mandatory driving training classes, after passing her theory test. She has to drive a 6 gear, diesel VW, with extremely sensitive brakes and clutch. She's had more of a challenge driving the car than paying attention to all the rules!! Prayer for her to pass her test would be GREATLY appreciated!
We also want to brag on our son, Nathan, who is in the Air Force. He just got accepted into the training program for Para Rescue. This is an extremely rigorous program, and has a high drop out rate. PJ's (as they call them) go into enemy territory and rescue those in trouble. They rescue those in Black Ops, and those in other high security situations. It's very difficult to get into, and he has worked very hard to get accepted. Our prayers will be with our son.
We are looking forward to all God has for us this semester. We thank you for those who are supporting us with your prayers and financial gifts. We pray that God richly blesses you with His grace and favor to be able to continue to be a light in this dark world and to make a difference to those around you.
"Finally my brethern, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Ephesians 6:10
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