Well..... here we are in June! Time has surely whizzed by; so much so, that we got behind again in our monthly update. No worries though, we'll continue where we left off.
May was a busy month. We finished up the semester, had an emotionally moving graduation, (said goodbye to many students that had been here for a long time), ministered at two conferences, and packed up to come to the States the day after!

The first conference after graduation was a leadership conference with the theme of "Being filled with the Spirit ." 300 pastors and leaders from all over Europe attended. Bruce and I each did the worship for two sessions. These sessions taught about how to be filled with God's Spirit, and how to function in the biblical use of the spiritual gifts. They were wonderful esperiences. We received a lot of positive feedback from those that said they had learned so much.

The next conference, a week later, was a worship conference hosted by Calvary Chapel Siegen. Worship leaders, musicians, and singers from all over the EU attended. Bruce and I taught two workshops each. Mine was on leading people into God's presence, and Spirit led worship. Bruce's was on publishing songs, and what a pastor is looking for in a worship leader. They were great sessions, and again, we received lots of good feedback.
Right after this, we came to the States to visit our family, friends, and stock up on our yearly supplies, only available in the States. Bruce's mom had her 90th Bday. The Muller family had a big reunion of 43 people. It was a great time, as we met with extended family we hadn't seen in many years. We also got to share in several churches; CCVisalia, CCMonterey, CCSanta Cruz, CC Vancouver, and CCAppleton.
The beginning of our time home, we both experienced bouts of sickness. We were also hit with some adversity : Bruce lost his wallet and never found it; our dog back in Germany had a hard time, and the weather was very cold. But God blessed us nonetheless.

We sure enjoyed seeing our family. We spent precious time with our grandson, Jamin, and grandaugther, Leithian. All of our sons and family were able to come and see us, including Nathan,
who is in the air force. We were so grateful to be able to hang out with them, even if it was short.
God answered our prayers and provided places for us to stay. We stayed with family, friends, and a missionary's house while they were in China. It was such a great relief and blessing to have everything work out so well.

It's been a wonderful time here in the States. We are looking forward to going back to Germany though. We know God has called us there, and the ministry He has given us has been so fulfilling. We are glad that we have Skype, to keep up with all our family and friends.
God is so faithful to us in all seasons of life. We are so grateful for all He has done, is doing, and will do. We look forward to doing the work that is before us. Being in the will of God is more rewarding than anything else in this life. May God continue to pour out His many blessings on you!!!
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