Dear Loved Ones~
Even though we just celebrated “Thanksgiving”, our thanksgiving is not over. We are so grateful for all that God has done, and continues to do. Our hearts rejoice in Him, for He is good!
We left Siegen for the States on November 3rd. However the Saturday before we left, the church gave us a going away party. It was a very moving and touching time for us. The church leaders and friends showered their love upon us…the words of appreciation they spoke brought tears to our eyes. We worshipped together, ate (of course), prayed, and fellowshipped the evening away. It was sad saying goodbye to this wonderful family we have grown to love. Being a missionary, means being caught between two worlds; they both feel like home, yet neither do at the same time. Someday, we will be in our forever home; It will be so good to be together forever in heaven, rejoicing in all God has done!
We spent the first part of trip back, with our son, Nathan, and his family. We met our new granddaughter, Gabby. She is so precious. Our grandson, Eli, has grown so much He is full of energy and interacted non-stop with grandma and grandpa! We appreciate Nate and Kamicca for their service in the Air Force. The sacrifice these men and women give is amazing. We were blessed to be with them.
From Florida, we flew to Vancouver, Washington to visit our son Simeon and his family. We met our new little Eleanor…she is so tiny and precious! This makes the third girl in our family, and the seventh grandchild! We have enjoyed spending time with Jamin (4) and Caleb (2). Our son, Jonny, drove up to be with us all for Thanksgiving. We feel so blessed to be around our family again.
While here in Washington, we led worship at CCVancouver Sunday morning, and the following week, led worship for a night of prayer and worship. The church here is growing, and people are desiring to go deeper in worship. It’s such an honor to be helping in this way.

Wednesday evening, we drove north to CCLongview, to lead worship for their mid week service.. There are a lot of zealous believers there, very open to the Spirit of God. Longview is known for drug traffic, prostitution, and “down and outs.” How wonderful to see God raising up a church there that is reaching out. We played with Chris, the worship leader from CCVancouver, and had a wonderful time.
We are working on our schedule for our upcoming worship seminars. We have several lined up in the coming months. If you know of anyone who would like us to come to their church, you can contact us. We’d love to come!

It’s been strange being back here in the States, knowing we will live here again. We are adjusting to the culture, the food, the water, the expenses and the way of life. We know God is good and has good plans for us. Our hearts are expectant in what He will do. We’ll be staying with our good friends in Pacific Grove for a while, as God directs our steps with the details of where to live, etc. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
This Christmas season, may you be reminded of why Jesus came; to heal the broken hearted, to lift the burdens, to give life and hope to every person….and to free us from death and grant eternal life to those who believe in Him. May this season remind you of the wonderful treasures awaiting you, not only in this life, but in the future as well…all because of Emmanuel…"God with us!"
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and support. You are so precious to us
Bruce and Teresa
In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1:4
John 1:4