Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior!
We are back in Siegen, after having a very fruitful time in the UK. We praise God for the work that was done, and the hearts that were encouraged by the teaching of His Word and the demonstration of His Spirit in worship.
We’ll pick up where we left off last time.

From York, England, we traveled over to Waterford, Ireland. At the airport, we were met by John Golightly and Danny Keating, two former bible college students. They are now in full time ministry in Waterford. What a joy seeing them and their growth in the Lord!

The church booked a “holiday” house for the weekend, and we met with their worship team and leaders. God moved in hearts the first night, as we worshipped and prayed together. Bruce taught during the weekend on God’s heart in worship, and towards us.
It was a precious time of meeting with these dear saints.That Sunday, we led worship at CCWaterford, with the worship team. They told us how much freedom they experienced in their worship.

From Waterford, we flew to Swansea, Wales. We took a train from the airport, and was met by Rhoda Pickins, the pastor’s wife. We stayed at their home, and they were so gracious to give us their bedroom. What wonderful servants!
Teresa picked up a virus in Waterford, that left her with Laryngitis and a sore throat. During most of our time in Wales, she was recuperating. Bruce did the worship seminar by himself, and it was well attended. Both the pastor and worship team responded with great enthusiasm in what they learned as biblical worship. Bruce taught the sermon on Sunday and led their worship team as well.


After being in the UK almost 6 seeks, we flew back to Siegen, DE. It was nice to be in our own bed again! We love ministry, however, traveling cn be exhausting! We spent the next week getting back into the groove of things.
We taught the youth group musicians at CCSiegen the next Saturday. They enjoyed learning the different forms of worship the bible includes.

The following week, we helped out at the annual Mitarbeiter conference at CCSiegen. Church leaders from all over the UK and EU attended. There was a packed house. Bruce did airport runs, chauffered people around, while Teresa helped with the worship team. We hosted two people attending the conference. It was a wonderful conference. Pastors from the US taught the sessions. It was a 4 day blessing of rich fellowship, teaching, worship, and ministry.

During our time here in Siegen, Bruce will be working on a book he is writing. It will be on all God has shown us through the scriptures about God’s heart towards worship, as well as practical ways to develop in worship, etc. We are excited about this!
The house we are renting is for sale. We don’t know the timing of it all, but please join us in prayer for our next season. We will have to make some decisions about our next steps when it sells. God has been so faithful to us, and will continue to be. We are encouraged by the many open doors in ministry here, and the fruit we see.
May God continue to pour out His Spirit on your lives. We look forward to Christ’s return as well as His work through His people while we are here!!!
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1Cor.15:58
Bruce and Teresa
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