Dear Ones,
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecc. 3:1
What a wonderful Christmas season we had with our family, and a good start on this new year.

2015 has brought many changes our way; definitely a NEW SEASON! We feel like missionaries moving to America, with all the re-entry procedures that people from other countries go through! Things like registering our car, securing a new drivers license, getting phones, securing a new address, healthcare, etc, etc! This past month has been filled with taking care of all these details. It can be a bit wearisome at times; yet God has blessed us with much grace and favour.
Since being back, we've been able to connect with our grandchildren, and get to know them. (all seven of them!) They are a delight, and are learning how much Grandma and Grandpa love them. It's been precious seeing how God has given us such a sweet heritage.

God is opening many doors in ministry as well. We have been getting invites all over to lead worship and give worship seminars. Our first seminar was in Pacific Grove, CA, and "just happened" to be within a couple miles of where we are staying. Pastor Dave didn't even know we lived here when he invited us. How wonderful to start our new adventure, right in our "own

backyard." We had such a delightful time, ministering to the team.
On Sunday, we led worship, and Bruce taught on Worship from Heaven's Perspective. The church really responded, beyond our expectation. The entire church was kneeling before the Lord at the end! God is so amazing. His presence was so powerful in the meeting. We give Him all the glory and honor and praise for all He has done!

When we led worship for CC Mt. View, the pastor was so touched, he asked if we would come up and train his team. They have a lot of talented, young musicians, but he wants them to learn how to draw the congregation into worship. We were honored and blessed. We have churches asking us to come to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana, as well as California.

We are staying in our friend's studio apartment during this transition time. It has been such a gift to us, as we get our feet on the ground. Expenses here in the States, are proving to be more than in Germany. We didn't know how all this would work when we came back, but we knew God was leading and we were to follow. We are hoping to sell our house here in Seaside, and move to a less expensive area. But we are still in prayer about where to settle. Only God knows the best place, as we'd also like to locate within range of our family. Please join us in prayer for wisdom in this decision.

At times, it has been challenging, being in this new culture and circumstance. We feel like we have no home here, yet we didn't feel like our home was in Germany. We really understand Paul's words in the bible where he says we are citizens of heaven. We know someday, we will feel completely at home, and will be with our loved ones forever and ever! For now, we are His ambassadors of heaven, doing His work, and trusting His leading for our lives. We are completely dependent upon Him for all our needs, hopes and desires.

We want to thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts, for your partnership with us. So many of you have continued support and prayer for us during this transition. Without you, it wouldn't have been possible to even make this transition! Your love and care for us has kept our hearts encouraged. We will continue to do this ministry here, teaching, training, and raising up worship leaders. Saving grace world missions will continue to sponsor us. We look forward to see all that God will do.
May God pour out on you and fill you with His Spirit and joy, and His abundant life!
To God be the glory, for the things He has done!
"For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power, and is intended for his glory. Romans 11:36
Yours in Christ,
Bruce and Teresa
Hey Mullers—just took a trip down memory lane listening to your early music online. My brother Don and I had the privilege of taking part in a special night of worship at NCCC back in the mid '80's ('85, I think). Can't remember if I played bass or keyboards, but I know Don played drums. "On The Cross" was the song that stuck with me through the years. My brother and I were leading worship with Gary Arthur at Maranatha Chapel in Mira Mesa at the time. Still with Ray, but retired from the team 10 years ago after John Wickham took over in '97. Don leads at Tri-City in Vista and I do web media and motion graphics for the church. Wow. Time flys.
ReplyDeletePraying for God's continued blessings and guidance in your lives.