“I will praise thee, O Lord, with all my heart. I will glorify thy name forevermore!” Ps 86:12
Greetings loved ones!
Another wonderful couple months have whizzed by! We’ve been able to see God’s hand moving in the lives of others during our travels. There’s nothing like promoting the Kingdom of God and working with and for His purposes.

We had 2 hours of glorious praise and intimate worship~ what an amazing blessing to see God’s people responding to Him in freedom and adoration. It was a great time.
April 24th, Teresa had a big birthday!! We had a party in our backyard, with old friends gathering, along with music and great food! It was a time for celebration and joy, for all the years God has blessed us together.
next week, we flew out to Appleton, WI, to lead worship for the Midwest Pastors and Leadership Conference. We enjoyed getting to see old friends. Two of the speakers, Lloyd Pulley and Bill Gallatin were with us in Europe when we did ministry there. It was like a reunion being with them on this side of the ocean. Pastors were encouraged to press on in Jesus during the conference, and to stand strong during adversity. They were encouraged by the
Word, and worshiped with all their hearts. The fellowship was sweet. Bruce told lots of stories and testimonies that were very moving. One pastor changed his message because he was so inspired by one particular story. We made many new connections with pastors in the Midwest who asked us to come out. We look forward to being able to do that in the future.

We also visited with our friend Ruth, while we were there. She’s been a good friend and faithful supporter of our ministry for years.

God moved in them and how blessed they were. It always amazes us how we step out and do the work, but God seems to take it and make it more than we ever could!!! We are continually humbled.
In May, we were invited by CC Gold Beach to come and lead a worship seminar. They have a great worship team, consisting of a young zealous worship leader whose wife plays bass. The assistant pastor plays drums, and they are all hungry to grow in their expression to God. They told us they were very encouraged as well as challenged, to grow in their hearts and skill levels. What a loving pastor and group of people they are!

The last Sunday in May, we led worship and Bruce taught the sermon for CC Hayward. The pastor was out of town, and we filled in for him. It was broadcast on the radio to over ½ million people in the Bay area….NO PRESSURE~~~~!! Bruce taught on Worship in Genesis; from Adam to Enoch. He had a good response from the congregation.

One tes
timony we want to share, is God’s healing power. Our grandson, Eli, who just turned 3, developed a serious infection in his hip joints. He couldn’t walk because of severe pain. He was hospitalized, had surgery, and put on an IV with strong antibiotics. Many people began praying. In 4 days, God completely healed him!! We were so grateful for God’s answers and for those praying. Our God is powerful and full of love and mercy.

He is home now to very relieved parents and grandparents.

May God continue to fill you with His Spirit, and give you His strength, His joy, and His love. You are His, and He values and cares for you greatly.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and support. You are our blessing and our joy~!
“For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised! He is to be feared above all gods.” Ps. 96:4
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