Hi Everyone!
This has been a "zuper" semester so far. The students are growing in their love and commitment to Jesus, and His Word. They have also been growing in the practical, of loving one another. When you live together day in and day out, differences arise, and as the bible says , "iron sharpens iron." It's for the good, and we've been seeing how God is maturing everyone in this area.!
We just came back from "outreach week." We had three teams go to different places to help churches, do evangelism, and just about anything else that would help. We took a team of 7 students to Luxembourg. We stayed in the home of Jacques and Francoise Bernard, the pastor of a Calvary Chapel starting there in Esch. We saw God do some amazing things, and open supernatural doors of opportunity. We spent the first day praying , walking the streets, and learning about the Luxembourgish people. Some of the highlights: Marco, one of our members who does rap, got to share his testimony, music and info about the church on a secular hip hop station! I shared a little as well, and bruce and Christian and I backed him up on a song.. They called me "Mother Teresa", the gospel artist!! Ha Ha! This is the first time ever that the gospel has gone out on the airwaves. Preaching the gospel isn't allowed there; the only accepted religion is the State Catholic Church. All others are illegal. We also got permission to play music in a park with a stage and electricity.This is also the first time that park has ever had anyone play in it; It was built years ago. We received permission to play on the streets of downtown. All of these things were firsts, and Jacques said they were nothing short of miraculous! Everyday we played on the streets, and sang our songs in German, French and English. As people gathered, we would divide up and share with them. Hearts were all very open. Most people had never even heard of the gospel, nor knew anything about Jesus.
And they were interested. On Friday night, we had a concert at the Bernard's home, and it was a wonderful time with their guests, friends, and even one guy showed up we had shared with at the park!
The DJ's at the radio station were so impressed with Marco and the team, that they came to one of our outdoor concerts, and are coming to the opening day at church (Dec.12th). This is another supernatural thing. Prayer really opens doors and hearts.
We all came back very encouraged, revived, and expectant of more things that God will do!
The beginning of October, Teresa led worship for the Calvary Chapel UK women's conference. It was a great time where 250 women gathered. Women got challenged, inspired, and built up in their faith.
Along with all this spiritual fruit, we have experienced much warfare; both personally and as a school. Bruce's guitar got stolen somehow in the midst of the radio station experience. It was a heartbreak, but we had to move on. People were getting headaches, feeling sick, and waves of depression would randomly come over people. We learned to press on in spite of it all.
We so covet your prayers. In the midst of battles over souls, we are in the throws of warfare. For those of you who pray for us, we cannot thank you enough. Prayer is the stuff that miracles are made of. .. and everyday strength and perseverance is founded upon. We so need your partnership for it all to happen!!!! ...... Until He comes, we remain totally committed!!!!
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