Merry Christmas!!
Somehow, the end of the semester has caught up with us, and is almost here. Friday night will be graduation. This last month has whizzed by!! Almost all of our students will be returning next semester. That is a good thing, because we will miss all of them so! This has been a wonderful experience these last few months. We have seen the students grow so much in their walks with God. All the trials, victories, and teaching have developed stronger, more mature Christian men and women. They are passionate for Jesus, with servants’ hearts. They have also grown in their ability to lead worship, pray, and love one another.
For our songwriting class, the students performed their new songs for the school. They did a great job. One of the songs will be used for the worship at graduation. I’m very blessed by their talent and love for Jesus.
Our college put on a Thanksgiving dinner. It was complete with the turkey, all the trimmings, sweet potatoes, pies, and the whole bit!!! We went down to K-Town, an air force base 2 ½ hrs south of us, to get everything. Germany doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so we couldn’t get all the stuff here! The staff, guests, and of course, the students, were all invited. We sang songs, decorated the room, and had a wonderful evening, as we lifted up our thanksgivings to God.
We’ve been talking about next semester, taking our worship to the streets more often. The world is looking for truth, and what better way to convey it than in the form of music, which they will listen to.
On top of teaching and serving at the bible college, Bruce and I have also been teaching and leading worship for other churches. Although it makes us busy, it’s always a privilege to be given the opportunity to speak into others’ lives.
Last Thursday, Teresa taught, and shared a couple special songs for the Calvary Chapel Siegen’s women’s Christmas night. She spoke on having a “Mary Christmas in a Martha World.” There was a great turnout, even though the freezing cold and snow had begun.
Women were touched, blessed, and challenged to take time for Jesus during this very busy season.
Bruce also spoke to the CC Siegen men for their Christmas night. He spoke on the need to persevere under trial, and press on for Christ.
Bruce took a team of students to Lippstadt, northern Germany. They evangelized on the streets, and gave away fresh,homemade waffles to the busy Christmas shoppers.Several people were very interested in coming to the CC in Lippstadt. Afterwards, they had a great prayer and worship night with communion. The next day,Bruce taught the Sunday morning service.
This last Sunday morning, Bruce taught at CCSiegen. It was a great encouragement to give all our burdens to the Lord and trust Him. He will be teaching next Sunday at Osthelden,a church 20 minutes north of here. It is an evangelical church. Teresa will be sharing in worship.
We had so much warfare last month. At times it was overwhelming. Bruce’s guitar was stolen on our Luxembourg outreach. But God blessed us with our insurance company paying for another one!!! Teresa was falsely accused of hitting another car in a parking lot. She had to go to the police station twice to give testimony. Fortunately, she had witnesses in the car. After 2 months of dealing with this, she was finally acquitted of any charges. However, she was given 30 hours of community service because she was driving after the 6 month allowance with her CA license. We all learned a lesson from that one!!
No one knew about this! But!!! It looks like her community service might be serving at the church, which includes the school!!! She’ll have at least 30 hours worth!!
God is so faithful. He always turns our crises into resolves. He turns our stresses into songs of deliverance. We are learning more and more to simply trust Him. He works all things out for His glory and our good.
We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas~! May you always remember how much Jesus loves you…. He gave up everything, to come into this world in a human body, suffer the pain of rejection and crucifixion, so that we can be freely forgiven of all sin, and live forever with him in heaven. How then shall we live? By giving it all up for Him!
We remember you this Christmas, as you are in our hearts and prayers.
We want to especially thank those of you who have supported us in prayer and in giving.
Without you, we would not be able to be here, serving this community.
May you and yours be filled with Peace, Joy, Love, and of course, Jesus, this season!!!
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